
Weekend Update

I had another fun-filled weekend...
Friday night was a girls night out with all the girls in my family and the Grovers'. They are our match. Some of us didn't even know each other until blogging, so YES, I LOVE TECHNOLOGY. We all have so many things in common and it will be fun to go out again with all the girls and be crazy - as seen in the pictures below:
Suzanne & Jenny with their desserts

Missy thinking ahead about her next blog post (as with the rest of us too)

That dessert would have looked really good to me if I hadn't just finished a super sampler platter as my meal (aka, a fried-food-lover's dream).

I'm nervous about payback, but I LOL every time I look at this Q.T.

This picture is the only decent one I have on my camera from Friday night

Slothy (Tiffy) & Pam

Slothy again

OK this was so funny to me for some reason - there was a mini-van cab that was broken down outside of the restaraunt (sp?) and the driver (who was a lady) was T.O.'d. When she finally got the mini jump started, Tiffy was out there with the Sloth mask on and she just stared out her window as she zipped out of the parking lot. I think she was ticked that we were having fun and she obviously wasn't. Whoever got the picture of that needs to post it!

Slothy (Alisse) & Suzanne getting laughed at (mission accomplished)

We stayed up way too late and hung out at Pam's house - some people might wonder what would be so fun about sitting in a living room and just talking, but it was! Hearing stories the Grovers had was hilarious.

Jenny was 1/2 asleep by this point

Me, Auburn, & my Mom being entertained by Jenny

She had taken her hair out and that along with the faces she made as telling stories was the best!

I guess we're not in high school anymore and we're not used to hanging out until 2am!

So that was Friday night. Lots of fun! Saturday night was WT night for me. I watched Ellie and took her & Noah to Taco Bell at about 7:45 for dinner(Mother of the Year)! Afterward we went to Wal-Mart (of course - it's supposedly my favorite place to hang out).

When we got in line to check out, there was this lady in front of me with the worst snuggie I have ever seen. It looked so uncomfortable. I know, this is really mean - but I wanted a picture of it to show someone. I got my camera out and just as I snapped the picture, the lady's husband turned around and I swear he knew what I was doing.

So quickly I said, Ellie & Noah, smile again!

I came home and cleaned out my hope chest. I found many treasures that I don't know why I've kept for so long. For instance, this cast. I broke my arm in 3rd grade so that means I've had this for almost 20 years. Discusting! Don't worry I finally threw it away. Wow, my 3rd grade memories are popping up a lot lately. I broke my arm when Auburn was swinging me on a tree branch & I fell down on it. For some reason we didn't want our mom to know we were doing that so we told her I tripped and fell on the sidewalk. I don't think we ever told her the truth about it until in the past recent years, but by now she could care less anyway!


Alisse Baldwin said...

Looks like we have all been fighting about who is the favorite sister since back in 1987! (see Auburn's signature on your cast) And yes, that is DISGUSTING! What am I saying? I wore that SICK mask forever Friday night!

I totally pulled a Shalae just now because I was reading about your fried-food-lover's-paradise and wishing I would've ate more now that it's FAST SUNDAY!

Suzy Cummard said...

A) Glad Noah sported his Wal Mart outfit, incase anyone asked him to MODEL for your fav store!

B) I was laughing SO flippin hard at the picture of the lady with a SNUG in back, cause I knew you were scanning!! THEN I read your comment, & Lance finally said "WHAT's so funny?"

C)I copied the pics of Jenny & will be adding them to mine. Thank ya kindly.

D) Thanks for taking Ellie for the night & morning.. & afternoon.

E) AND thank you for finally throwing away THE CAST!! NAST!

Missy said...

Ok, I love the pic of the lady's butt that was hungry. Those are seriously my favorite shots. And the pic of Sloth and Suzy walking by the "workers" that were checking them out. We had so much, I really can't wait till we do it again!

Auburn said...

I just figured out I was Riggs, and you were Jax. I knew I would get in trouble so I conned(?) you into lying to mom to save me. I remember talking you into it on the walk home. Usually you never did what I wanted you to, but luckily this time you agreed. I guess you were just repaying me for the "special skit" I helped you do for school.

Alisse Baldwin said...

lol lol lol to the special skit!!!

You should post about that next so everyone else knows about your AWESOME childhood.

Summer said...

I just cant see you taking a pic of a ladies snuggie Shalae. hilariousness!!!

Hope you're doing ok Shalae. :)

Annie Randall said...

Looks like you guys had way too much fun! as for the lady with the snuggy... hiarious.

Cassie Simonton said...

The good old GROVER'S, they are always a ton of fun! You guys look like you had the best time, I'm smiling just reading your blog, don't you love that morman's can have a good time without drinking, I'm sure people thought you were drunk...you guys were just drunk off life!! :)