My mom knows how Suzanne & I go crazy with our kids every week when we try to have our business meetings. These meetings can stretch on for hours because we get interrupted by the little angels about once every 30 seconds. So today, my mom offered to take Ellie & Noah somewhere with her during our meeting. It was so nice!
She took them to the mall to feed them lunch and let them play at the "play place", where I would never take the time to stop at the mall (in fact I try to make Noah look the other way when I pass it). She also had to deal with an "accident" Noah had in the mall. I felt so bad but my mom just laughed about it (partly because Noah told her he had a "fart in his pants").
Lastly, today my mom made cookies and saved a little bit of cookie dough for us! That was just the icing on the cake.
My mom truly is the best, and Noah thinks she's the best Grandma too. For the first year of Noah's life my mom babysat him A LOT because I worked 20 hours a week. On top of that she babysat Ellie when Suzanne was at work too, and for at least one day a week she had Ellie & Noah on the same day. That is not an easy task, let me tell you.
I will never forget how my mom called me every single day after Noah was born (probably for at least a month) and asked me "what can I do to help you today?". It made me realize how much more I should be serving people, like she does. I try to remind myself of that, especially because I know not everyone is as lucky as I am to have a great mom that lives only 3 miles away!
So true, Shalae! I wish I could be like your mom when I grow up. Lucky me, though, to have her for a friend. She is an angel.
I'll fight you on this one-
No, I have the best Mom!!
I'm lucky I gotta great mom too...
I love your mom. and I love all you girls. What a sweet post Shalae!
your mom is SO cute! she is the sweetest person in the world & always looks adorable!
he-he Raine was one...
Logan is now 2 months old.
Samantha- Nathan's wife has about 3 months left.(just got put on bed rest)
And Lacey just found out she is pregnant!
So, lots of babies!
ANd I was excited to find all your girls, so now we can actually know whats going on with everybody, kinda pathetic huh! ;)
Your mom is the best Shalae! She is the sweetest person ever, and everytime I see her she always says something nice to me. Not to mention she is always the best dresser and her hair always looks adoreable!
Cheers to Vicki. I love her too and wish she was my mom some times.
Your mom IS so Great. I have never seen her not happy and nice as can be. It is so nice to have a mom who is always there for you. I love the picture of her holding Noah, I still can't believe his hair and how much it has changed.
I could write a novel about all the things mom has done for me just since I started having kids. Sometimes she has been my only sanity. She is my hero! And yes, she is always perfect. Suzanne and I say that our mom is more stylish and up to date than we are. People have always thought she is our sister, but I will draw the line when people start to think I am HER mom!
MOM is the best. I want to copy & paste this to my own blog, since I feel the exact same. She can cheer me up when ever I am down, always make me laugh, & EVERYTHING else positive. There are so many things I could list, too. I am glad we have such the bestest mom EVER to look up to!
I was reading her "things we love most about mom" just 2 days ago. She is a friend to ANYONE (Sonic, Gap, Buckle workers... you name it.) She is so cute & sweet & yet still very humble. There were so many things on her list that made me laugh & think about how lucky we are to have her.
I love you too, mom. Thanks so much for all you do.
I loved reading this about your mom. What a lady!! It made me miss my mom so much!! I have a great mom too.
your mom IS the cutest ever! tender/fun post, for sure. i had the pleasure of being in her company for a few minutes just this afternoon actually, {along with some other FAB love notes attendees} & was reminded just how cute & kind & SWEET she is! and...she always looks like a million+ bucks. here's to amazing moms! {i've been blessed with a rockin' one too!}
YOur mom is seriously so nice. She always gives me such nice compliments. What an awesome person she is. And what a nice post about her!
Shalae- if I could get my sisters to do a blog I would. Raine is not to savvy on interenet stuff. Lacey doesn't have internet. And Sophie, well she'll do a blog, she just needs a computer. :)
I hope someday my girls would write such a nice post about me! Your Mom seems like an awesome Mom, and she does have great hair!
Your mom is one of my most favorite people in the world. She does always make people feel special. The world needs more Vicki Sherwoods, that's for sure!
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