
Loving It!

I love watching The Bachelor & the best moment of this season so far was last night, when Andy gave the last rose to ......... NOT STEPHANIE; SOUTH CAROLINA!!!

Every season there's a girl that is really annoying, and this season it of course was her. Usually the annoying girl makes some type of comment like this:
"Jealous Girls - STORY OF MY LIFE" Stephanie; S.C.

It's the best to see what people like her have to say when they're eliminated. The only reason she got that first rose
was because she asked Andy about it, and I think he felt awkward so he gave it to her. Then by default she got that first one-on-one date with him. She was way too full of herself! YAY! No more buggers.


Alisse Baldwin said...

"My dress is oh-so-sexy tonight, and I am 90% sure I am getting a rose." I was loving it too!!

It took me by surprise, though, because it seemed like he was into Steohanie, SC when they were skiing and stuff. I'm also glad the DRAMA QUEEN is gone. I was telling Suz that she is probably at home watching that and realizing how much she loves to gossip and create drama! I hope Bevin wins.

Suzy Cummard said...

I am not sure who I want to win, but Lance kept wondering why I was yelling "YES!!!YAHOO!!" at the t.v.! I was LOVING it, too!
"I am so hot in my hot dress. The other girls don't have something special like Andy & I do."
"LOVING IT" was the perfect title. I almost did that as a post last night, cause I was so excited. That was gonna be my title too. An other "SUZ & SHAE" moment.

Anonymous said...

I'm SO happy she's gone too! What I can't understand... why the FREAK Tina is still there? She should have been gone the first night! I like Stephanie Kansas and Amber. Bevin kinda bugs. Who knows though, I'll probably like her the most at the end of next week's episode!

Unknown said...

Yes about Tina - I was so surprised that she made it through that first night. And she's still here! You never even see her until Andy & her have one on one time. Sometimes The Bachelor will totally edit the show so that we're all surprised about who Andy ends up with. What if it's her? OK, I doubt it, but maybe he's just kept her because he really wanted to get rid of the other girls as fast as he could?????

chris+amber said...

Ew...I'm so glad Stephanie; South Carolina is gone. I have to say that NO ONE tops "Trash"...I mean Trish from the Bachelor with the "playa" football player, Jesse Palmer. Do any of you remember her? I don't know who my favorite is yet, but I'm leaning towards Bevin. Good post, Shalae!

Anonymous said...

"I'm 90% sure" Stephanie S.C. is feeling so dumb now for how confident she acted only to get DEnied! Yes! I agree with Amber about Tina, she was bugging the other night with the face she was making at the rose ceremony. She is acting like she doesn't care if she gets a rose or not. I think the only reason he kept her is just so he could get rid of some of the other ones.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, it wasn't Amber it was Becky that made the Tina comment.

Unknown said...

Yes, Trish was for sure the worst! Speaking of faces the girls were making at the rose ceremony, what about Kate's face? She's probably embarrased to see the face she was always making. That's kind of like when I see myself on video or in a picture, I think, 'I have to remember to never hold my mouth that way' or never ... whatever I'm doing to look so ugly!
Auburn, you just barely left. You got right to work on the bloggin, didn't you?

Anonymous said...

I don't waste any time, (except all the time I waster looking at blogs.)

Alisse Baldwin said...

I guess the National Anthem is what Andy wants to see in a girl. Maybe he feels like the Navy would get mad at him if he voted Tina off because after all, she is very patriotic.

Candice said...

Hi Shalae-
Yes, of course I remember you... don't be silly! :) I am glad you enjoy my weird blog/sense of humor. I love how you and your sisters comment back and forth- it reminds me of my own family. Its obvious you guys are close. Now just convince Auburn to jump on the blog-wagon! We are moving back to AZ in a few weeks- can't wait for She's Got It All to be up and running!