
From the mouth of Noah

Noah says some of the funniest things. I usually repeat them about 6 times so I can tell my mom, sisters, & Steve the funny things he says. Over the past few days there have been so many!

1) It's always funny to me when he tells us during sacrament meeting that he has to go "on the toilet". (When he hardly ever tells us this at home.) It happened again on Sunday, and can you believe that Steve said "just go in your diaper". Noah will never be potty trained at this rate. He said back to Steve "NO, ON THE TOILET!"

2) Sunday night as we're watching our show (I won't say the name - if you know the characters, you must watch it too). Anyway, Noah kept asking us, "Where's Gabby?". Then he would ask us, "Carlos is nice?"

3) Also on Sunday night Noah was standing in one place concentrating, and Steve asked him, "Are you poopin' in your diaper?" Noah said back, "Just peepin". I can't even type that without laughing out loud to myself. (Sometimes when we go to change Noah's diaper we ask if he has poops, and he says, "just peeps". So we've gotten used to the word peeps, but not "peepin".)

4) Everytime Steve & I get in the car to go somewhere, I usually ask him, "Do you have the keys?" Anyway yesterday it was just Noah & I, and he said to me, "You have the keys?". He is a parrot!

5) Last night we were getting into the car & Steve jumped out to go back in the house for something. Noah said to me, "Where's Steve?" Sometimes he calls me Shalae too.

Of course all these things he says are funny but what makes it even better is his voice. He is so hilarious. Sometimes a devil too though! Like lately when he's mad at me he'll say one of 2 things:

6) "I'm mad at you!", or "I tell my daddy".

I've realized that he's getting old enough that we should really be careful about what we say around him & what we watch on t.v.


Suzy Cummard said...

Good ones Noah! He really is the PARROT!!! Don't worry that when I read them, I used his (LOW) voice in my head!!

You might as well start up: "NOAH'S Quotes" on the side of your blog & change them like every day. Cause he says the most random & hillarious things!

angiedunn said...

k, so i'm literally laughing OUT LOUD about the "just peepin'" quote. that is beyond hilarious! {as well as the other noah-isms.} what a crack up! g'night!

Alisse Baldwin said...

These are SO much more hilarious to imagine if you know Noah's voice! He is so cute!

Alisse Baldwin said...

I just "got" the title of this post- "From the Mouth of Noah." AKA- Babes.

You sure are clever, sister.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my Noah Boy!!! I am home alone laughing out loud.
Some day Noah will tell me to quit telling him how "dang cute" he is all the time, but until then....

The Tyler's said...

That is really the cutest thing ever! I want to make Sadie tell me when she is "Peepin"!

The Wilkins' said...

So cute Shalae! Noah sounds like a darn cute kid!

Brittney Smith said...

Cute Blog! Noah is so funny. I love it when your kids finally realize you have another name then mommy or daddy.